This series was designed to help you one step at a time; sometimes, as moms, we can be overachievers and want to accomplish it all right then and there. However, we learned that it does not quite work out that way over the years. We can never expect or plan that our kid will wake up with a fever and wake the baby up at 3:00 a.m. I am here to share that I will share baby steps just like we teach the kids with you. Have patience and grace with yourself and take baby steps. What that means is if you mess up one day, it’s okay. Tomorrow is a new day!
Now let’s begin this week. I will share one tech resource to simplify your life!
Let’s just agree that a mom’s life can be crazy. There’s no shying away from it. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or even a work-from-home mom – you’ll find yourself busy. There are doctor’s appointments to plan, grocery shopping to do, meals to prep, laundry to wash, and so much more with a never-ending list. Some days, I found it hard to get myself dressed when catering to my husband and three kids. It seemed as though matter how much help you have – you’ll always need more. I’m going to share my very best-kept secrets (that I want to shout from the rooftops) about how I have elevated my mom game and simplified my mom-life.
Let’s start with that morning routine – how to simplify it!
I believe one hundred percent, that if I can wake up before my kids do, I am a more peaceful and loving human being. But it just wasn’t happening. I tried, but no matter how early I got up, my littles would beat me to it nine days out of ten. It wasn’t until I truly realized that this wasn’t going to happen for me that I went and bought an “OK to Wake Clock” on Amazon. There are tons of options here, all with the basic concept of the light turning a specific color when it’s okay for your toddler to come out and bug the rest of the house. I had to make this a HUGE deal, and with enough convincing and “safe play” activities ready for my son, I can get him to stay in his room until about 7:45-8 AM, which has been incredible. Hello, first cup of warm coffee without a thousand requests from tiny humans!
Getting Dressed
It’s been quite some time that I have been working on this, with the idea of getting myself DRESSED and figuring out a plan. Now, the kids are 3.5, 2, and 7 months old, and managing my business from home, PJs and workout clothes have been the preferred attire for a while now. That was until I went ahead and purged and donated almost my entire closet, leaving myself with only 21 pieces of clothing. (Don’t worry, I didn’t touch the PJs or the workout attire, but I simplified my “going out” clothes BIG Time.)
The 21 pieces that I hung onto are called a “capsule wardrobe,” and all of them go together in tons of different ways to make probably 100 or so different outfits. They are elevated with accessories like jewelry, sunglasses, purses, etc. But, it’s not for everyone, and creating a capsule wardrobe or purging existing clothes can be a huge undertaking. It is just what I needed to combat decision fatigue and a closet full of clothing I felt like I never wore.
Take Action
Grab your phone and enter, Cladwell. Download Cladwell is an app that makes getting dressed EASIER – it can help manage your huge closet of clothing or help you build your very own capsule wardrobe out of what you already have.
Once downloaded, you have a free 7-day trial, and then it’s $5/month afterward. You can upload pictures (or choose similarly) for all items in your closet – though they recommend starting with just 15 items to build your first capsule – including tops, bottoms, layers, dresses, and shoes. You can input your zip code from here, and the app will recommend multiple outfit combinations daily, depending on your weather. If you play around with it, it gets even better as you know your style. For me specifically, my 21 pieces were new, so I added all the prices of each garment to the app, and now I can even get reports on the price per wear, the average price of something I buy, and more.
Here is a sneak peek into my closet! I encourage you not to be afraid, to step back into your style, sass, and get your look back.
You got this! Stay tuned for more tech resources like this coming soon!