Here in South Florida, it feels as though it rains all year long!
Residents of the sunshine state know what it’s like to go through all the seasons of the year in just one day. It starts off hot and humid then it gets cloudy, gray, and sometimes even kind of chilly. The rain starts to drizzle, still allowing us to enjoy the outdoors though, then suddenly comes the heavy rain.
Sometimes the rain comes out of left field so instead of spending the day at a park or beach on the weekend we’re stuck indoors. For some people it’s a time to rest and relax but if you’re a mom then that means you have to go the extra mile to keep your little ones entertained.

There’s always a silver lining when outdoor plans are canceled due to rain. Rainy days make the best time for families to spend quality time together doing indoor activities that are perfect for those typical Florida rainy days that we often get.
On any rainy day, kids can…
-Play card games
-Play board games
-Draw, color, paint
-Build with legos or blocks
-Create a craft
-Make a fort
-Have a movie day/night
-Perform a puppet show
-Make homemade play dough
-Make popsicles
-Plant indoor herbs
-Make sensory bins
-Create a city out of cardboard boxes
-Make slime
-Make bath bombs then have a bubble bath
-Create costumes and have a fashion show
-Make homemade cards for family/friends
-Have a tea party
-Make superhero masks/crowns
-Read to each other
-Have a scavenger hunt
These are just some of the many ways family and friends can make the best of a rainy day. They are also great activities to do for whenever kids say “I’m bored!” Here’s a neat way of staying on top of your game. Write out each activity on a piece of paper or stick and store them in a jar so the next time it rains or the kids are bored they can do a variety of activities that help them learn while having fun! Sure, you can turn to your handy dandy phone or tablet for easy entertainment, but I like to challenge ourselves and go most of the day thinking outside of the box and doing things the “old-fashion” way. It’s important for kids and families to disconnect from technology every now and then to simply be present and bond.
So you see, some people say that when it rains it pours, but I’d like to think of those rain showers as a blessing from above…a reminder that the simplest moments in life are often the most special ones.

Next thing you know the skies clear up and the sun comes out again. That’s just the way Florida weather rolls!
What is your favorite rainy day activity? We love hearing from our readers. Comment below and you may see your favorites featured in an upcoming post.