Motherhood is a transformative experience. Not only do you see changes physically, but a lot of emotional changes happen that make the new human being into an eventual adult. Research is ongoing on the changes in the brain through pregnancy and following childbirth. Hence, I bring up the term “Mom Brain.”
Is it a thing?
A quick google search says that it is a term used casually to describe the fogginess and forgetfulness experienced by women right after pregnancy. Though the latter seems to be a temporary thing, I think this should be an ongoing term that includes the emotional protectiveness that automatically happens in a mother for her child.
So what do I mean?
No mom is immune from this so-called “mom brain.” Not even when you are a pediatrician, you see, I love my job and feel like a child when I am amongst my little clients and when we first get to know each other. And then comes to a decision-making time, and the doctor’s brain kicks in. But what happens when it is your child?
The “mom brain” kicks in.
Let me share my side of the story. It was one of my many typical days at work. I was in the room with one of my patients I had known for quite some time now. While we were talking, she suddenly went on a long gaze. Then slumped onto the exam table. She was having a seizure. My in-charge mode now kicked in. Her mother and I carried her to the floor with a strange calmness and lay her straight. I was looking at the time (so was her mother). I have already started to think about the next plan of action in my mind, should she continue to seize. 2.5 minutes into the seizure, she was walking up. We were good. Mom and I both exchanged glances and letting out a sigh of relief! I told mom that I was impressed by her calmness. She said she was used to it and knew exactly what to do.
That took me back to when my firstborn had a seizure with a high fever. I certainly wasn’t the calm mom. My mind was racing through the millions of reasons that could have caused an episode. I hugged my child tight and kept holding him. I do not know how long. I wasn’t looking at the time. All I knew was that my child was having a seizure. Well, there you go, the “mom brain.”
And then there was the time when one of my babies had diarrhea. In case you are wondering, I didn’t have to, but the “mom brain” did kick in. I must have said it out pretty loud ” because I remember my father-in-law, who was nearby, said, “call the doctor”.
So, what do you do when you know you are going through a severe episode of the “mom brain .”Call a friend. And that’s what I end up doing.
What is your “mom brain” story? Do share in the comments. And enjoy your bundle of joy. It is a joy that has no comparison.
We, moms, get it.