This series was designed to help you one step at a time; sometimes, as moms, we can be overachievers and want to accomplish it all right then and there. However, we learned that it does not quite work out that way over the years. When you are a mom, things happen out of our control with the kids. I am here to share that just like we teach the kids, baby steps I will share with you. Have patience and grace with yourself and start incorporating some of these new techniques into your life. If you mess up one day, it’s okay. Tomorrow is a new day!
Now let’s begin this week. I will share one tech resource to simplify your life!
Let’s agree that a mom’s life can be crazy. There’s no shying away from it. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or even a work-from-home mom – you’ll find yourself BUSY. There are doctor’s appointments to plan, grocery shopping, meals to prep, laundry to wash, and SO MUCH MORE.
Let’s start with Laundry – how to simplify it!
Okay, we got a few seconds to ourselves with our kids keeping themselves busy this morning until their light turned green and we were dressed. How do we tackle that laundry? For days that I can’t handle doing ONE. MORE. THING. – Sudshare has been amazing! It’s a personal laundry service – where someone picks up your laundry, washes it, AND folds it, and the best part is. It is only $1 a pound. After you download the app and put in your address and other details, Sudshare will ask you many questions about how you want your laundry done. For me, I am the most specific person on the planet. My profile is set up to wash my kids’ laundry in hypoallergenic detergent, while mine and my husbands are not. We want everything folded, except my husband’s shirts which we wish to hang up, and we provide the hangers.
When returned, we ask that the laundry be separated into my clothing, my husband, and the kid’s clothing is separated by size since we have three kids. Let me tell you – they make it happen! I then stick about 1-2 contractor bags full of laundry outside my front door, and someone picks it up within hours. They can communicate with me on the app, and my laundry is usually returned within a day or two. As an estimate, about 1-2 contractor bags of laundry for me was about $55-60, but it is based on total weight. While this isn’t an everyday thing for me, this helps me out if I feel behind and need some extra help.
You got this! Stay tuned for more tech resources like this coming soon!