Taking Chances


    We have all heard this at one point in time or another – “you got to be in it to win it”. Folks are usually talking about a local lottery, some sort of prize-winning promo. And it is true. If you don’t participate you really don’t have a chance at getting to that prize. Well, life is full of opportunities and it is all about participating. There are chances to be taken all around us. But what stops us from taking a chance? What is it really??? Yep, you know it, Fear with a capital “F”. That stifling “what if” in the pit of your stomach. What if I do this and fail? What if I can’t get it right and fail? All the negative outcomes just come streaming into your mind. You have to be able to quiet those voices – yeah – that one – that keeps you up at night and you have to snap back into reality. 

    Now I am not promoting that one should go about life in a willy nilly fashion. No… do your due diligence, ask for advice, do your research, weigh and balance the pros and cons (ladies we all do this – I believe it a natural gift πŸ™‚ and then make your decision.  But at the end of the day you know you have taken action – no matter the consequences and you are going to focus and put your best foot forward (yes the one with the sparkling nail polish) and get it done! At the end of the day, you have the “What if’s” behind you and you just may have that “I did it” staring you in the face.  Now go out there and have that “I did it” pull you forward, reach for it and hold it with both hands and raise it high in the air. Because you know what…TAKING CHANCES, that’s what life is all about. So when are you going to take that chance?

    Remember our children are watching and WILL follow our lead. Lead well, Momma!

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    Originally from the beautiful island of Saint Lucia, Keitha migrated to the United States at the age of 20. She lived in Brooklyn NY for 13 years and attended The School of Visual Arts in New York City, where she earned a Bachelor Degree in Computer Multimedia. Keitha is a Business Brand Builder. As a successful entrepreneur, network marketing professional, author and business coach, she engages individuals and businesses at multiple levels and equip them with the knowledge and customizable tools, strategies and resources, that allows them to move forward in achieving their goals. Creativity moves her into action. She is a visual artist and is inspired by nature and cultural experiences. She expresses her creativity through her photography, painting and online writing. Her motto is Dream. Believe. Create. Keitha has moved back to South Florida after a 11-year hiatus. She is married to a wonderful man, also from Saint Lucia and they have an amazing 5-year-old son. They are her WHY.


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