One Undercover Local Mompreneur Doing It All


A Local Mompreneur

“My name is Sarah and I am a local-mompreneur! I am excited to be featured on Broward Mom Collective’s Network! 

…… and here is a quick glimpse into my life!

I start my day by taking a morning walk with my daughter and dog. Afterward, my daughter picks a homeschool activity, whether reading, writing, or creating art, while I prepare breakfast for us. After breakfast, I get ready for my workday. A usual workday consists of traveling to therapy centers or homes to provide music therapy services to children with autism. Much of my therapy is play and child-centered, meaning following the child’s lead in a structured manner. So many therapeutic approaches with kids on the spectrum involve them being told what to do and when to do it very repetitively. My therapy sessions are about building a bond and connection first with the child and going through a musical journey with them where they feel seen, heard, and supported. Once trust is established, the true benefits of music therapy shine through. 

I also lead a bilingual Spanish/English music class for children ages 0-4 called “Music with Sarah” at Volunteer Park in Plantation. This class encourages free play and exploring music in an outdoor environment. Being a nature-inspired homeschool parent, I find it essential for families to enjoy the outdoors with their children. “Music with Sarah” allows families in the community to meet and connect as well. I offer these classes both on Thursdays at 10 am and Saturdays at 10:30 am. I also host a monthly special event that features another entertainer/talent. For Mother’s Day, I hired a photographer to capture family portraits, Father’s Day, we celebrated with donuts and coffee, last month, we had a balloon artist, and this month I am hosting a music class at a local barn. Families will enjoy the music class followed by the petting zoo. I post all my classes and special events on social media.”

Now, this is just a glimpse of what a day looks like, but all my mompreneurs know that every day can be a new adventure, but somehow we manage it all and make it happen!

Always remember, never to give up on your dreams, mama!


Thank you, I hope to meet more moms right here in Broward to connect and support each as we learn and grow together while building our community we are #therealmomsofbroward  


You can follow me on Instagram @thebowsandties, Facebook at thebowsandties305 to find out about all our upcoming classes

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Rafeea Roche
Rafeea is an Intuitive Mindset & Transformation Life Coach. She guides women on their path toward accepting and embracing who they truly are. She teaches them how to find the magic within themselves so they can transition to the next step and reach their goals. Life happens to us all, even Rafeea is not exempt. She is married to the love of her life and share three beautiful children together. They are all close in age and Rafeea understands firsthand the difficulties life has to offer when juggling a marriage, children, and a career. She is an entrepreneur who has a wide vast of experience in sales and marketing who recognizes the fluctuations that occur in business. However, after making good money and selling one business venture only to start another, she realized her true passion was not in making money, it is in helping people. This opportunity is not just another job for her. She is invested in seeing each of her clients grow mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. She is devoted to her craft of teaching each of you how to live a full life. She loves engaging in meaningful conversations with people who are looking to leave footprints. She loves to connect with women all over the world.


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