Most expecting mothers look forward to watching their belly grow throughout their pregnancies. We see mothers-to-be share their progress pictures on social media as each week and/or month goes by. For many women, something about the way we think of and see our bodies changes once the baby is born. While more and more woman are speaking up and even sharing images of their postpartum bodies through candid posts to inspire others there are still many that struggle with their new “mom body”.

So you’ve delivered your baby but you still look pregnant?! Don’t worry! It’s actually common to still have a bump even after the baby is out. After all, it took about nine months for your beautiful bump to grow. It may take that same amount of time (more or less) for your body to fully recover from pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Now, you’re a new mom about to embark on the most magical journey called Motherhood and in order to accept your body as it readjusts, yet again, to all the postpartum changes it’s important to understand what actually happens to your body after labor and delivery.
The transformation starts within 24 hours after your baby’s birth. My bump slowly shrunk as the hours passed. I remember feeling as though my belly was deflating. It was flatter yet loose and somewhat squishy. This shrinkage is caused by the loss of blood and fluids as well as the reduction of the uterus to the navel. Within the first week after birth, all the cells in your body that swelled during your pregnancy will release its fluids in the form of sweat, urine, and vaginal discharge. You may even notice that you’ve started to burn off the extra fat that was put on throughout your pregnancy. Breastfeeding plays a big role in speeding this part of the process up. Around the first month after birth, it is likely that you have shed a good amount of the baby weight. However; each and every women is unique. There’s several factors to take into consideration in order to better understand and accept our postpartum bodies…
-Pre-baby weight
-Pregnancy weight gain
-Physical activity
-Pregnancy, labor, and/or delivery complications
You may feel your stomach cramping from the moment you deliver your baby and even throughout the first month. They can range from menstrual-like cramps to minor labor contractions. This is known as the after pains. What’s happening is your uterus is contracting back into shape and moving to it’s pre-pregnancy position. Wearing a postpartum girdle for the first six weeks helped me manage the after pains discomfort. (Ask your doctor if/when you have clearance to use a postpartum girdle). It’s also common to feel fatigued around this time as there are so many physical changes occurring all at once. To top it off you’re adapting to motherhood, whether it’s for the first time or adding another baby to your family, it always takes time to get learn your newborns schedule and adjust accordingly. So take it easy on yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically because all your baby needs is a healthy and happy mama!

Whether you delivered naturally or via c-section, you delivered a BABY so your body will be out of balance for quite some time. It’s important to make yourself a priority, just as you would your new baby, throughout your postpartum journey. Here are some ways to take care of yourself…
-Drink plenty of water
-Remember to eat…it’s so easy to forget when you’re a new mom
-Rest when you can
-Ask your partner and family for help
-Ask the professionals all the questions you may have
Each and every pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum journey is different. Learn to love yours! Prepare yourself for a smooth postpartum by asking questions, doing your own research, and listening to your body to ensure you too are being well taken care of every step of the way. Be proud of yourself and what your was capable of doing for your baby! Embrace the changes along the way and most important of all- ENJOY your bundle of joy!