I was just six years old when I started using eyeglasses. I remember learning about the benefits of carrots and how eating them regularly may improve my eye vision. I was practically part rabbit. However; no matter how many carrots I ate my vision was either stable or worse at each check-up throughout my childhood. That’s because it takes a lot more to stabilize or improve your eye vision, of course. I only needed my glasses for school, to read the whiteboard mainly. Like many children, I forced my vision for the majority of the school day …through second to eighth grade to be exact. Fast-forward to a thirty-year-old me…I’ve learned my lesson on the importance of taking care of my eyes. I am much more responsible about wearing my glasses when I need to. Thankfully, my eyes are healthy and my vision has remained stable as an adult.

Why are children’s eye exams so important so early on?

Taking your child to the optometrist should be as much of a priority as taking them to a pediatrician and dentist each year. Now more than ever due to technology being introduced to children so early on (TV, smartphones, tablets, etc.) whether at home or in school, it requires eye focus which can often strain their vision and cause symptoms such as headaches. It’s important for us as parents to ensure our children are being examined for healthy eyes, at least every one to two years. Children who use glasses should be examined annually or as recommended by their optometrist. Having your child’s eyes examined early on is important as it will help determine if they have the visual skills required to do well in school. For example, a child who struggles to view the writing or images on a whiteboard may feel frustrated and discouraged even which in many cases leads to poor academic performance. Poor eye vision can result in a series of health consequences if not examined or cared for properly. If you ever doubt whether your child is struggling from poor vision don’t hesitate to contact your family optometrist.
With summer in full swing, it’s the perfect time to schedule your child’s visit to the optometrist so they’re all set for the upcoming school year.