Top 5 Quality Family Time Fall Activities


Fall is a season when you can spend more quality time together as a family. Shorter days mean that the kids are home earlier, and cooler weather invites everyone to spend more time indoors. I don’t consider living in Florida the actual experience of “Fall” if you are like me. I was born and raised in New York, and it was always my favorite season growing up. It was just something about the beautiful colors, the perfect weather, and looking forward to the holiday season. As a kid, you are not thinking about the craziness of the holidays — you are just thinking about all the fun, time off from school, and gifts. Now living in Florida for over ten years, I switched it up, and my favorite season is Winter because I still love cool weather. I can’t say cold, though many Floridians might think it’s “cold outside.” I could never get it; in my head, I hear those random thoughts, “you have no idea what cold is.”

I wanted to share some fun fall activities that you can do with the kids. I still manage to get out and make it fun for the kids, because in reality, this is their adventure of fall and now our family experiences. I often have memories of my childhood and want to recreate some of those experiences, but they are not quite the same, so I have learned to go with the flow and create new fun activities.

Try some of these ideas as inspiration for wholesome family activities this fall

 Have a fun β€œFall Day” If you have younger children, plan a day to just experience the season together.

You might start out finding pine cones, collecting and bagging them and moving them to the curb for pick-up. Encourage the kids to collect leaves even though we are not like up North, we don’t have all the beautiful colors, they can still get leaves.  Point out the sights and smells of fall in your yard and community. This activity has all sorts of benefits: outdoor play, connecting with nature, physical activity, elements of cooperation and responsibility, and plenty of communication.

Visit your local pumpkin patch or farm

Especially if you have younger children, they’ll be delighted to experience the sights, textures, and smells of agriculture. Let each of the kids select a pumpkin or two for the fall holidays. Grab some decorative bottles or cups, to bring the sights of fall into the house. My favorite scent during this time is cinnamon, you can add some or apple pie potpourri wafting in the air, and you’ll help the entire family get into the spirit of fall. If you want to find fun activities going on be sure to check out local event calendars to get the most updated info!

Enjoy fall-focused dinners.

Encourage family members to work together to prepare a favorite fall meal. Even little ones can participate by setting tables, stirring ingredients together and serving a favorite food. Corn on the cob, fall squash, potatoes and a favored entrΓ©e can help create memorable traditions around fall dining. Dessert can be pumpkin or apple pie or other seasonal family favorites. Provide art materials for the kids to make Fall related placemats or place cards. Preparing and enjoying a special meal together gives every family member a chance to participate. It also makes great opportunities for communication to enhance your family relationships.

You can get some art materials for the kids to make Fall related placemats or place cards, we always get stuff from the dollar store and just make an activity out of it. 

Hold a story night.

With the fireplace (or not) going and everyone sipping hot chocolate and snacking on their favorite goodies, fall is a perfect time to enjoy reading together. My mom lives in Orlando, and she has a fireplace, I absolutely love it and would sit there for hours, my husband still thinks I am a bit weird. I will share something really personal, this is one of my favorite things to do because I secretly love when my husband reads, he is animated and he makes it so much fun! Sometimes, I find myself having a little too much fun and I recruit him to keep reading and take my turn. The kids definitely don’t mind.

The Key to this is to find a book that everyone in the family will enjoy.

Harry Potter can be a great place to start, but there are many other options, like some classic fun books!

β€œI’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always,
as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.”
 Love You Forever by Robert Munsch

Real isn’t how you are made,
It’s a thing that happens to you.”
The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams

Of course, this would vary based on the age of your kids. Have everyone take turns reading a few pages or a whole chapter. Holding story night one evening a week is a wonderful way for your family to re-connect, relax and enjoy each other’s company.

Spice up your movie night. 

Do a little initial research by finding movies that have family-friendly plots or storylines that stimulate family discussions, or just fun movies that you will love too! 

Some examples include:

  • Home Sweet Home Alone. 
  • Encanto. Disney. 
  • Robin Robin. Netfllix. 
  • A Boy Called Christmas. Netflix.
  • Shaun the Sheep: The Flight Before Christmas. Netflix. 
  • Sing 2. Illumination.
  • Hotel Transylvania: Transformania. Sony Pictures Animation
  • The Little Mermaid 

I am guilty we recently watched Vivo on Netflix, and I fell asleep, I could not believe it! The kids said I was snoring, I had to make it up and then promised to watch two movies and “no sleeping mom”!.

This is another activity where you might allow the kids to take turns selecting. However, if you’re seeking movies with morals or special messages, you might want to help “steer” the children’s selections by providing the names of three or four movies and letting the kids choose from among those. Only advice here is good luck trying to find a movie that they have not already seen. We always make popcorn and would add a flavor that the kid’s like to make it fun!

Take advantage of the incredible opportunities that fall offers for making memories with your children. Whether you go for a family outing together or just gather for an old-fashioned movie night, you can spend more quality time with your family this fall!

What are some of your favorite family fun fall activities?




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Rafeea Roche
Rafeea is an Intuitive Mindset & Transformation Life Coach. She guides women on their path toward accepting and embracing who they truly are. She teaches them how to find the magic within themselves so they can transition to the next step and reach their goals. Life happens to us all, even Rafeea is not exempt. She is married to the love of her life and share three beautiful children together. They are all close in age and Rafeea understands firsthand the difficulties life has to offer when juggling a marriage, children, and a career. She is an entrepreneur who has a wide vast of experience in sales and marketing who recognizes the fluctuations that occur in business. However, after making good money and selling one business venture only to start another, she realized her true passion was not in making money, it is in helping people. This opportunity is not just another job for her. She is invested in seeing each of her clients grow mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. She is devoted to her craft of teaching each of you how to live a full life. She loves engaging in meaningful conversations with people who are looking to leave footprints. She loves to connect with women all over the world.


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