Calling out to all you Grannies!
If you’re not a granny now, someday you will be…
…then, a quick ring-a-ding-ding to all you Mommies!
It’s said we become our moms but let’s not forget how we’ve been influenced by our Grandmothers. Even before I became a granny, I was choosing my grandmother name. Some advised me to just wait and see what the baby calls me, but that could be disastrous. I took a bit of each of my grandmothers’ names, Baba Dee. My husband quickly revealed his favorite, Baloo (the bear from Jungle Book.) Suddenly when you’ve been praying and longing for that opportunity BAM the baby arrives. Now what? At least you have a name.
I’ve been told by my other granny friends to never say, “Give me MY baby.” This tiny one is not yours. *Heavy sigh* Our children are on loan to us and even greater are our grandchildren. My children’s grandmothers were the best examples. When we decided to homeschool, (back when it was really weird and not many chose that schooling) they each had their input. Then, they saw us raise our children with wisdom.
Keeping your mouth shut creates peace. But when is it time to speak out? The obvious times are when those little ones could be in real danger. Most likely none of us will walk that path, at least let’s hope. So, that brings us all to the next phase. Be quiet. We know we know best, but they know they know best. Our trial and errors make us who we are today. Therefore, our children raising children will be that wild ride we’ve experienced as a mom. Openly we’re ready to “tell it like it is,” but honestly, we must be wiser than wise on our comments.
Not only you grannies need wisdom, but mommies also be kind. Just think how your own child responds when you tell them that if they do such and such, then such and such is going to happen. Yep, that “hot stove” moment becomes clearer when the burnt hand flings overhead in pain! Never give that “I told you so,” in response. Gracefulness in poise and elegance hand-pick a comeback. Then, hugs are due.

I’m going to share the most perfect response to an awkward moment when you’re given advice on how to raise your child. The grandmother says, _____________. You say, “That’s something to think about.” This beautiful response not only will be clearly kind, but it’s a go-to phrase to your husband’s crazy ideas! Oh, wait, he’s not crazy. We’re the crazy ones, right? It’s a boat we’re all in, therefore lets each pick up an oar to row.
Grabbing a banana, my husband broke out in song this morning celebrating our Granddaughter Arlowe’s first banana! “Ring ring ring ring Banana phone!” he belted out! Raffi a kid’s cassette tape we raised our 4 children with, was now blasting out on our Alexa. Times have changed. Children don’t. Grandparents rock! Soon, you’ll see the transition from a know it all Grandparent to one who’s advice becomes limited.
Mom’s give input to their children. Then that mom becomes a grandmother who continues to give that input to their children. The beauty blooms as we watch that grandmother pour into that tiny one. “Grandmothers are just ‘antique’ little girls.” ~Author Unknown
It never ceases to amaze me the funny games we play with our children have come from our grandparents. “I can’t hear you!” my husband shrugs, “I’ve got a banana in my ear!” Thank goodness we both came from the Funny Farm of Families!
I’ve heard it said, “We have two ears and one mouth for a reason.” Listen quickly, speak slowly. If distance keeps you from connecting with that granny in your life, call her up today. I’m sure she’ll take that banana out of her ear to hear your sweet smiling voice.