Violina Bhattacharyya

Violina Bhattacharyya
Dr. Bhattacharyya (we get to call her Violina) is the owner and CEO of WonderKidz Pediatrics and a mom of two, ages seven and eleven. She did her medical schooling in India and completed her residency in pediatrics at the University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital. She has been in practice for the last eleven years in Miami and will be opening her new office in Broward at the end of this year. A typical day for her can be super busy and yet exciting because every day as a pediatrician is a new adventure. After office hours, it's home sweet home where she and her husband enjoy family time. She loves to try different cuisines and still makes time to secretly binge watching her favorite Netflix shows! Her niche is in child behavioral health and has a passion for helping families who need that extra assistance for their precious little one. Her experience in behavioral health at the primary care level allows her to continue to help families as needed as well as help adopt and adhere to healthy lifestyle choices for their children from birth to adolescence.

Honored to Be Recognized: Join Me in Celebrating Women’s History Month!

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Birthday Freebies and Deals in Broward

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Ways to Use a Broward County Library Card

WonderKidz Pediatrics provides compassionate, high-quality care for children from infancy through adolescence. Our experienced, board-certified team is dedicated to supporting your child’s health and happiness with personalized care, wellness education, and preventive treatments. We...

For The Love Of Food: A Picky Eater In The House

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Through The Eyes Of A Pediatrician: The Power Of Community

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The Joy Of Being Your Authentic Self

The Joy Of Being Your Authentic Self

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Valuable Lesson Learned On Our Playdate

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Making the most of your visit to your child's pediatrician

Making The Most Of Your Visit To The Pediatrician

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Mom Brain Musings

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