I’m Stuck Inside


A mom’s guide to get outdoors…….

I can’t believe it is the end of the school year already! Last year my family and I will never forget. Some days were filled with joy, and some days were filled with tears in our home. It did not matter how positive I tried to stay; every day was a new challenge, and it seemed like the only thing that would help was actually — go outside! There were many days I even let the kids attend their virtual classes outside!

Honestly, it seemed the kids were the happiest when we were outdoors, and it gave me a break to relax and get fresh air. During the lockdown period, I noticed myself saying, “I’m sick of being stuck in the house,” and it was just creating energy around me that was not good! It started to make me feel sick. I decided to change my mindset because the kids started saying it too and just went outside more. It is exactly what I practiced, and it would turn my entire mood around. Every time the thought came to me I opened the door and went outside! 
Outdoor play has been declining for years, but maybe the pandemic helped our family get to side more and turn things around. Children and adults are spending more time outside now. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children play outside as much as possible. 

They even urge doctors to prescribe playtime as part of wellness visits. 

Things may be headed in the right direction, but there’s a long way to go. Many families with preschool children don’t go outside to walk or play regularly. I wanted to share some ways that your family can enjoy getting outdoors and learn more about the benefits of outdoor play and how to integrate it into your daily life.

Benefits of Outdoor Play

These habits can support strong health throughout their lifetime.

  1. Promote learning. Research shows that children are more attentive after recess. Playing outside sharpens thinking by providing sensory input that helps link body and mind.
  2. Increase physical activity. Children move faster and burn more calories when they’re outdoors. They also form habits that can help them manage their weight and reduce their risk for heart disease and other conditions linked to sedentary lifestyles. 
  3. Connect with nature. Green spaces give us energy and brighten our mood. As your child builds their self-esteem and confidence, they may also become more interested in protecting the environment.
  4. Make friends. Any unstructured playtime is an opportunity for your child to practice their social skills and interact with their peers. They learn how to share and negotiate.
  5. Manage stress. Are you concerned about how the pandemic is affecting your child’s mental health? Outdoor activities can help them deal with confusion, fears, and loss.

Strategies for Increasing Outdoor Play


  1. Limit screen time. According to the CDC, children aged, 11 to 14 spend an average of 9 hours a day in front of a screen. You’ll have more time for other things if you limit devices to 1 or 2 hours.
  2. Play games. Team sports provide many benefits, but kids need unstructured play too. Toss around a frisbee or jump rope.  
  3. Create art. Set up an easel or give your child a sketch pad they can carry around. Assemble sculptures using sticks, rocks, and other natural objects.
  4. Grow plants. Start a vegetable or flower garden in your backyard. If you’re short on space, see if there’s an opening at your local community garden. Many churches also welcome volunteers to help tend their plants.
  5. Splash around. Visit a water park or create your own attractions. If you’re not ready for a pool, you can still run and dance under the spray from your sprinklers or a hose. Maybe you can even convince your kids that washing your car is fun.
  6. Pack a picnic. Dine on the grass. Pack a basket and blanket for your next trip to a state park. Serve takeout or your own cooking on your patio for a family meal.  
  7. Walk your dog. If you need to be reminded to schedule time outdoors, you can count on your dog. For kids who are animal lovers but can’t have pets, you could try a bird feeder.
  8. Contact your school. Many schools have cut back on recess periods despite studies showing that this may lower academic achievement. Let your local officials know that you support safe opportunities for kids to take a break outside. 

Outdoor play is essential for your child’s physical, mental, and social development. 


I set an intention to spend more time outdoors, where the family can connect with nature and each other it definitely helped us get through some tough days, I hope this encourages you to get outside today! 





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Rafeea Roche
Rafeea is an Intuitive Mindset & Transformation Life Coach. She guides women on their path toward accepting and embracing who they truly are. She teaches them how to find the magic within themselves so they can transition to the next step and reach their goals. Life happens to us all, even Rafeea is not exempt. She is married to the love of her life and share three beautiful children together. They are all close in age and Rafeea understands firsthand the difficulties life has to offer when juggling a marriage, children, and a career. She is an entrepreneur who has a wide vast of experience in sales and marketing who recognizes the fluctuations that occur in business. However, after making good money and selling one business venture only to start another, she realized her true passion was not in making money, it is in helping people. This opportunity is not just another job for her. She is invested in seeing each of her clients grow mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. She is devoted to her craft of teaching each of you how to live a full life. She loves engaging in meaningful conversations with people who are looking to leave footprints. She loves to connect with women all over the world.


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