Now you are equipped on how to save, ready to get yourself organized and you know the real deal on beating the system. There’s only one thing missing…tips and tricks every money-saving mama needs to know before you go!
Couponing Terms, Tips & Tricks
- Plan your shopping trip – Make a list and know what you are going to buy before you go to the store.
- Stockpiling – When prices are so amazingly cheap that you buy as many items as you can. When you combine a store sale with coupons an item can be really cheap, free, or makes you money, so why not buy 20 or 30?
- Overage – Sometimes when you buy an item and combine sales with coupons you will get “overage” or money back. All stores are different but some stores will give you the overage on a gift card such as Publix and some stores will not give you cash back. In this situation, the best thing to do is pick-up other items you need such as meat or produce and the overage will automatically be applied towards the other items in your cart.
- Organize your coupons by store and order – It is very important to organize your coupons before your shopping trip! You can organize them in a small handheld coupon organizer by store and by the order you will present your coupons to the cashier. You must show the cashier your dollar off coupon ($5 off your purchase of $15 or more) first before you give them your other coupons.
- Do your research – Know the upcoming store sales and plan accordingly. If you see your child’s favorite cereal on sale and there is a coupon coming out that week making a box of cereal less than $0.25, I would suggest that you get multiple copies of the Sunday Newspaper or extra inserts.
- Inserts & Store Coupons – It’s best to get multiple copies of the Sunday paper or coupon inserts weekly. I get 10 copies every week and I donate or exchange the coupon that I don’t use with other moms. Remember, it’s best to get coupons in sets of two.
- Store Policies – Always know your store policy, this can help save you time and sometimes even more money! I am an extreme couponer so I usually take my binder with me to the store and I have a set of each stores coupon policy printed and ready to view at any given time.
- “One Coupon Per Purchase” – This wording printed on the coupon confuses a lot of newbie couponers as well as new cashiers. “One Coupon Per Purchase” means you can use one coupon per item you are purchasing. If you are purchasing four items, you can use four coupons.
- “One Coupon Per Transaction” – That means you are only allowed to use one coupon per item per shopping trip.
- “Limit of 4 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day” – Popular on most Proctor and Gamble (P&G) coupons. You can only use four like coupons per household per shopping trip. You cannot use more than four of the exact same coupons. However, your neighbor, your mom or your friend will be allowed to use their “four coupons” per day per trip.
- Printable Coupons – Always use black ink! Set your printer to toner saver mode. Do not print coupons that you know you will never use unless it’s a high value or rare coupon.
- Cutting Coupons – Also known as “Clipping Coupons” It’s best to stack up all the same pages together and cut out coupons from the entire sheet with a paper cutter or a really good pair of scissors. This saves you a lot of time by making one cut vs making multiple cuts for each page individually.
Talk the talk, walk the walk, after learning these acronyms you’ll be elevated to PRO status!
Popular Coupon Lingo
$1/1 – A dollar off one item
$2/2 – Two dollars off two items
AC – After Coupon
Addy – Your Address
B1G1 – Purchase one item and get an item for free (also known as buy 1 get 1)
Blinkies – Coupon dispensers with lights located in the aisle of the store next to a product
Catalina – Coupons that print with your store receipt
CRT – Cash register tape – Coupons from CVS printed on the receipt
DND – Do not double coupon
DNT – Do not triple coupon
Ea. – Each
ECBs – Extra Care Bucks – CVS Store Coupon
ETS – Excludes trial size
Exp. – Expires (This list the date a coupon expires)
FAR – FREE after rebate
GC – Gift Cards
IDSO – In desperate search of (someone desperately needs a coupon)
IP – Internet printable
ISO – In search of (someone needing a coupon)
IVC – Instant Value Coupon (Walgreen’s store coupons usually in the AD)
MANU – Manufacture coupons
MIR – Mail In Rebate
MM – Money Maker

NED – No expiration date
OYNO – On your next order
OOP – Out of Pocket
OOS – Out of Stock
Peelie – Coupons found on products that you can peel off
POP – Proof of purchase
PSA – Prices start at
RC – Rain check
RP – Red Plum coupons
RRs – Register Rewards (Walgreen’s Store Coupons)
Q – Coupon
SMP – Specially marked packages
SS – Smart Source coupon
Stacking – When you use a manufacturer coupon and a store coupon
Tearpad – A pad with coupons attached next to a product
TMF – Try me free
Wags – Walgreens
WSL – While supplies last (no rain checks)
WYB – When you buy
YMMV – Your Mileage May Vary OR Your Manager May Vary (the deal depends on what area you are in and the manager)
Good luck mama on building that piggy you’ve been wanting. We certainly hope you’ve enjoyed this series on SAVINGS!
Have some tips and tricks you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you, comment below! If you’ve implemented our strategy successfully please come back and let us know how you did. We’re an open arms community that strives to provide you with relevant content and approachable solutions to live your best life.