Getting ready to bring life into this world is one of the most exciting yet nerve-wracking experiences ever! You cannot wait to meet your little bundle of joy. Can’t help but wonder who he/she will look like. Looking forward to that brand new baby smell. The cuddles and kisses that await are priceless! As the delivery date gets closer you are feeling heavier and exhaustion is taking over you. All these emotions are running through you! You’re so excited yet you can’t help that nervous feeling deep down in your gut. Now you have to pack a hospital bag and you have no clue what to pack.
Here are six things you must have in your hospital bag: 
1. Comfortable pajamas
Please keep in mind that you are giving birth to a new human. You need to be as comfortable as possible! I’d recommend loose pant pajamas. Throw at least three sets of these comfy outfits in your bag. Remember that hospitals can be chilly.
2. Baby’s going home outfit
Baby’s, just like mommy’s, want to be comfortable. They are brand new in this world. Soft fabrics are heavenly to them. Regardless of how huge your doctor has warned you that your child will be at birth be sure to pack a newborn outfit. You might want to throw some props for newborn hospital pictures.
3. Lanolin
Your nipples will thank you for this later! Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing and a little lanolin goes a long way.
4. Toiletries
Don’t get too crazy about this. Bring just enough to keep you comfortable. Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion and chapstick. If you forget any of these items it’s really no big deal. The hospital can supply you with these. It all depends, of course, on how particular you are about product brands.
5. Boppy pillow
If you’re planning on breastfeeding a boppy pillow is a must-have item. This pillow helps prop the baby safe and comfortable for both of you. Bringing it to the hospital allows you to practice and get pointers from lactation specialists and nurses.
6. Comfortable going home outfit
You have been growing for nine months. It is highly unlikely that you will go back to your pre-baby size by the time you leave the hospital. Pack one of those loose maternity dresses you’ve loved so much during your pregnancy. Bring your favorite one so that you can take going home pictures for the baby album.
I hope this helps with your journey. I sure wish I had someone tell me these things when I packed my bag for my first delivery! I mean, I brought tights for my going home outfit. After the unplanned c-section I had, there was no way I was fitting in any tights! Life happens. Prepare for comfort!