We all have those moments: Must. Zone. Out. It’s been a long day and your getting-less-adorable-by-the-word kid hasn’t stopped talking, the dog’s been barking, the microwave is beeping (who has time for a stove?!), and your boss was on top of you all afternoon. Enter our savior, Instagram.
I wouldn’t say I’m “addicted” to social media, but I turn to it much like I turn to Bravo, Muzak (look it up if you’re younger than 35), and sweets. It’s a place where I can zone out, quiet my mind, and laugh at the simple things in life, like that new hair tie that “works wonders for your ponytail” and I’ve somehow been living without with decent success.
Social media can certainly be a minefield for anyone that likes to compare themselves or thinks that these feeds are even half of what is actually happening in someone’s life. It’s the best of the best! But there are a few special accounts that get to the heart of the less than best parts of motherhood. Those imperfect moments that remind you, this is life. It’s happening. And it’s happening to other people too!
For your next “I need a minute” session, check out these four mommy Instagram accounts perfect for building up that voice in your head that says, “you’re doing great, sweety”:
- @whineandcheezits: Rachel Sobel, the self-proclaimed “Truth Teller”, puts all the not-so-glamorous mom and wife moments on display for the world under the Whineandcheezits name. The best part about this account, besides her incredibly on-point commentary, is that showcases like-minded accounts which leads me down a black hole of a million different accounts that make me laugh. Zone out accomplished.
@whineandcheezits on Instagram - @scarymommy: We have all come to know and love Scary Mommy. About to have your first child? Someone has likely told you to check out this account. Having your third child? This has probably been your most shared meme creator for years. It’s got a little something for everyone including posts that give you all the feels. They aren’t scared to go there – they are Scary Strong. Scary Fierce. and Scary Proud. to be part of the motherhood that brings us all together!
@scarymommy on Instagram - @thereturnityproject: This space is different. It’s more of a “been there” feed that really makes you feel part of the crazy club of mamas. The founders of the Returnity Kit (awesome concept, check it out) launched this account to share personal stories from moms who are winding down their time on leave and heading back to work. It also features moms looking back on their leave who aren’t afraid to tell the world: having a newborn is really hard. Yes, it’s a blessing. Yes, this tiny little human brings so much joy (eventually, we promise). But no, you do not sleep when the baby sleeps. No, you do not get to do all the things you’ve been wanting to do while you have “down” time at home. And no, you’re not going to ever go back to the getting-up-and-out-the-door schedule you had pre-baby once your leave is over. Every day is going to bring something new. Your schedule will be constantly evolving. The family room will likely never feel clean again. It’s cool, though, because all these women are doing it too!
@thereturnityproject on Instagram - @thedad: You read that right, moms. D-A-D. Yes, an account geared towards dads is just as funny as the millions out there for moms. Much like Scary Mommy, you get the memes, the reposts, and the touching stories that are completely shareable, even with friends who don’t have kids. With 1.3 million followers, they have to be doing something right…

Have any go-to accounts you’d like to share? Put the handle in the comments so we have an excuse to take some “me time” asap.