Calling out to all you Grannies! If you’re not a granny now, someday you will be...   ...then, a quick ring-a-ding-ding to all you Mommies! It’s said we become our moms but let’s not forget how we’ve been influenced by our Grandmothers. Even...
Recently I failed to meet a deadline and I was mortified and frustrated. I pride myself in staying organized, getting things done and keeping my word. This time it appears that I took a vacation from my job and...
Do you have a young daughter? Are you looking to raise a strong, well-balanced leader? Girl Scouts just may be your answer. The Girl Scouts help foster leadership in young girls so they are strong, young women who are...
We Moms have a tremendous task every day.  We don’t give ourselves enough credit for the daily responsibilities that go along with the joys of motherhood.  But like me, I am the mother of a 5-year-old and the caregiver...
Is it just me or has the earth begun to revolve faster and so days run into each other, somersaulting into months? Did NASA forget to let us into some secret information? Oh my goodness, we’re already at midyear!!!...
Are you a first-time mom or new mom to Florida and the education system? Get ready, the Florida system loves acronyms! Let’s start with our little ones (Florida’s Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program) or VPK, VPK is a FREE educational...
The temperature’s rising, the humidities curling my hair and the cool wisp of a soft breeze is heaven sent as Summer makes her fiery entry. This summer is not going to be like so many before since I β€œbecame”...
We can talk positive vibes and grateful attitude all day every day. Our lives can revolve around attracting good energy and blah blah blaaaah.... All that good stuff is great! As a matter of fact, it's really the attitude...
This post is brought to you by our co-sponsors Basic Invite and Imperial Snaps It's that time of year again, where we all come together to celebrate one of life's greatest accomplishments, GRADUATION! It took years, lots of studying and many...
All my life I’d been thin, even skinny. I thought I knew enough about good nutrition and that’s why I never had a problem with weight. But as I got older I found the person I saw in the...

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Slothy’s Playhouse is a premium indoor playroom designed to provide a fun and safe environment for your children to play and socialize while you...

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