I wanted to share my story of moving from the North back to where I currently reside in South Florida. From New Jersey back to my roots of Miami, FL. It all started about seven years ago when I...
I recently became comfortable sharing my story about my traumatic delivery experience with my second child, Leah. I experienced a life-threatening post-delivery hemorrhage, and my family was prepared by the medical team that I would not be coming home...
Hi, I'm your neighborhood Canna Mom...β¦.
I'm behind you in the car line, at preschool pick up, grocery store, and the park. My definition of a Canna Mom is a mom who partakes in the use of cannabis for either...
This series was designed to help you one step at a time; sometimes, as moms, we can be overachievers and want to accomplish it all right then and there. However, we learned that it does not quite work out...
There are different points in our life in which we can feel lost or just completely drained. Becoming a new mother, going back to work, even transitioning to becoming a stay at home mom. We pour so much love...
It was four weeks after the move, and boxes were still not unpacked. I wondered how much it would cost to hire a professional organizer? Why can't I be more like Joanna Gaines? Can I go to Home Goods...
How this momma of three, special needs, stay-at-home mom, and entrepreneur, keeps it all together.
It's easy. I write it all down!
I keep a planner to schedule my children's doctor appointments, therapies, school, and after-school events. I include all of...
Eldercare planning is something to take very seriously, whether you are the elder or the caring relative of an elder. The definition of an elder is stated below.
1. An older person
2. A person having authority because of age and...
Hi. My name is Claudia, and I'm someone who loves to start things.
Yes, start something.
Now you say: "Hi Claudia. Welcome."
I love the feeling of starting a new book, show, project, craft, life. However, I am the worst at finishing things,...
1. Wasted energy.
Quit leaving the lights on when you leave the room or the house. "It takes a millisecond to flip a switch. I am going to start deducting FPL from your college fund."
2. Half-empty water bottles.
"I know you see...